In the future, the development of engines does not only mean to increase their efficiency. Connected with this, the fuel consumption as well as the exhaust emissions must be reduced. The reason for that is primarily the restrictive exhaust legislation which was introduced in almost all fields of vehicle, machinery and equipment. In order to meet future stricter emission regulations comprehensive in-cylinder measures alone would not be sufficient. An effective exhaust aftertreatment is necessary to meet the limits required by law. Particularly, the drastic reduction of NOX and particle emissions of diesel engines is a big challenge. However, the team of the Argomotive GmbH is acquainted with these requirements. We possess practical knowledge of many years in the development, testing and evaluation of exhaust aftertreatment technologies for passenger cars, commercial vehicles and off- and non-road diesel engines including:
- Development and testing of components and systems of exhaust aftertreatment for diesel engines (DOC, DPF, SCR, NSC, combined systems etc.)
- Development and testing of operational strategies (thermal management, regeneration strategies, maintenance concepts etc.)
- Testing and evaluation of innovative coating technologies
- Testing and evaluation of regeneration additives for DPF systems (FBC)
- Design, construction and prototype construction
- Evaluation of catalysts, particulate filter systems and components
- Emission monitoring
- Carrying out of fuel and particle analyses
In addition, the Argomotive GmbH offers its customers the following services:
- Development of measuring and diagnostic procedures for vehicle applications
- Evaluation of measuring technique for exhaust emission test (ET)
- Development and testing of exhaust sensors (PM sensor, H2S sensor etc.)
- On-board monitoring of system functionality
In cooperation with the Research Institute for Automotive Engineering at the HTW Dresden and the Research Association for Diesel Emission Control Technologies - registered association - (FAD) [Förderkreis Abgasnachbehandlungstechnologien für Dieselmotoren e. V.] exhaust aftertreatment concepts for the on- and off-road sector are continuously developed. This includes the testing and evaluation of new materials for catalyst carriers, filter media, exhaust sensors, fuel additives and the development of reliable regeneration strategies. In a next step DeNOX catalysts are tested and developed. Especially, SCR procedures and NOX storage catalysts are optimized and tested for their practical use. Under application-specific framework conditions the functionality of the exhaust aftertreatment systems is tested. The quality criteria of the FAD quality seal are decisive for that. The certification and awarding authority of the FAD quality seal is the Argomotive GmbH.