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The institute is a competent partner with regard to promising combustion engines, alternative fuels, electric drives, hybrid technologies and exhaust aftertreatment technologies. All services connected therewith are rendered by the Argomotive GmbH as well as the marketing of all knowledge gained at home and abroad. You get a general overview of our service range here.


The Argomotive GmbH offers its customers the following range of performances:

Combustion engines

Combustion engines

Combustion engines are the focus of research of the Argomotive GmbH Institute for Efficient and Environmentally Compatible Drive Technologies. They shall be improved in future such that the pollutant emissions decrease steadily but the efficiency increases in parallel to it.

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Exhaust aftertreatment

Exhaust aftertreatment

In the future, the development of engines does not only mean to increase their efficiency. Connected with this, the fuel consumption as well as the exhaust emissions must be reduced. The reason for that is primarily the restrictive exhaust legislation which was introduced in almost all fields of vehicle, machinery and equipment.

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New drive concepts

New drive concepts

The individual mass mobility of our time has been ensured by the combustion engine as the only drive source until now. However, its fossil-based fuel is much discussed by politicians and the industry. Alternative solutions are looked for. With mobility continuously growing in future the protection of the environment shall be guaranteed.

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FAD quality seal

FAD quality seal

Exhaust aftertreatment systems which were tested concerning their application specifics and evaluated according to criteria from a broad practical experience in manufacture and application are labelled with the FAD quality seal. This facilitates the selection of suitable system solutions for the manufacturer and the user.

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Real Driving Emissions

Real Driving Emissions

Unter Real Driving Emissions (RDE) wird die Messung der Schadstoffe unter realen Fahrzeug- und Umweltbedingungen verstanden. Hierzu werden mittels einer mobilen Messtechnik (PEMS, Portable Emission Measurement System), die im bzw. am Fahrzeug montiert ist, die Emissionen des Fahrzeuges im Straßenverkehr unter realen Bedingungen gemessen und bewertet.

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Durchführung von öffentlich geförderten Forschungsvorhaben.



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Immersionskühlung mit E-Fluiden

Immersionskühlung mit E-Fluiden

Stetig steigende thermische Herausforderungen durch höhere Anforderungen an Traktionsbatterien in elektrischen Fahrzeugen müssen mit einem effizienten Thermomanagementsystem entgegengewirkt werden. Ein Beispiel ist die Immersionskühlung mit dielektrischen Thermofluiden.

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